Guides, Books & Special Reports

BVR publications bring you the most up-to-date thought-leadership in the valuation profession with guides, books, and special reports on the most timely topics.

Category: intellectual property

Understanding Business Valuation - 6th Edition

February 2022 Hardcover, PDF

Gary Trugman

Business Valuation Resources, LLC

In this exciting new edition of Understanding Business Valuation, Gary Trugman takes his characteristic talent for simplifying the technical and complex to even greater heights.  In his easy-to-read and understand style he covers all the bases with valuation approaches, methods, and techniques. Trugman identifies critical points in his callout notes throughout the publication.  Learn more >>

Calculating Economic Damages in Intellectual Property Infringement Cases

September 2016 Hardcover, PDF (813 pages)

Jonathan Dunitz, Nancy Fannon

Business Valuation Resources, LLC

In this one-stop resource you’ll find a comprehensive overview of strategies, analysis, case studies, and legal insight to help you calculate and recover or defend a case involving the infringement of intellectual property. Nowhere else will you find such a complete and thorough analysis of current case law and the valuation methods that form the basis of damage awards in IP infringement cases. Learn more >>

Business Valuation Update Yearbook 2015

February 2015 978-1-62150-048-3 PDF

BVR (editor)

Business Valuation Resources, LLC

BVR has you covered with the latest news in the business valuation profession! Get your Business Valuation Update Yearbook 2015 now to stay up to date with the most innovative approaches and techniques, leading conferences, new court decisions and changes in regulations and standards in the profession with on-the-ground reporting from valuation experts, thought-leaders and the BVR editorial team. Learn more >>

BVR Legal and Court Case Yearbook 2015

February 2015 978-1-62150-047-6 PDF (262 pages)

BVR (editor)

Business Valuation Resources, LLC

The BVR Legal and Court Case Yearbook 2015 is essential for business valuation professionals and attorneys to stay current on the most important legal issues confronting the profession. The Yearbook covers marital disputes, breach of contract actions, damages, dissenting shareholder disputes, estate and gift tax cases, federal taxation, intellectual property cases, bankruptcy litigation, and more. Learn more >>

Royalty Rates for Pharmaceuticals & Biotechnology, 8th Edition

March 2012 PDF (400 pages)

IPRA, Inc.

Royalty Rates for Pharmaceuticals & Biotechnologyfeatures more real-deal royalty rates, license fees, and milestone payment benchmarks than any other publication. This new edition contains hundreds of royalty rates and other financial compensation benchmarks that can be used to optimize the pricing of biotechnology and pharmaceutical innovations.  Learn more >>


