M&A Professionals
Augment your valuation research with data from the market leader in private company sales transaction data. BVR's extensive suite of M&A tools can help you grow your client network and create more robust content for client communications. Take advantage of our authoritative data to better bolster your transaction research and client due diligence.
Let BVR customize a solution for you. Top recommended resources for M&A professionals include:
- DealStats: is the new generation of private and public company transaction comparables for valuation and M&A professionals. DealStats is a state-of-the-art platform that boasts the most complete financials on acquired companies in both the private and public sectors.
Watch a tutorial on how M&A professionals can utilize DealStats >> - Guideline Public Company Comps Tool: Instantly access complete financial statements, financial ratios, and multiples for comparable companies – and then easily save your comps or export your results to Excel.
- FactSet Review: This must-have publication delivers comprehensive rosters, data, and statistics on merger and acquisition (M&A) transactions that involve U.S. companies, including privately held, publicly traded and cross–border transactions.
- FactSet/BVR Control Premium Study: A robust online resource that provides empirical support for quantifying control premiums, implied minority discounts, and public company valuation multiples. Quickly and easily search thousands of transactions.
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