Valuation Advisors Lack of Marketability Discount Study
Defend your discounts for lack of marketability (DLOM) with the most current data in the Valuation Advisors Lack of Marketability Discount Study. This robust, online database includes 18,800+ pre-IPO transactions, including 2,600+ non-U.S. deals covering 45 countries. Ensure you have the most irrefutable data available and reference actual DLOMs for companies with similar characteristics to your subject company with this must-have tool, now with improved functionality and user interface.
Additional Product Details
Streamline your workflow and easily calculate a DLOM with the most cutting-edge features that share the same platform as DealStats, Stout, BIZCOMPS, FactSet/BVR Control Premium Study, Guideline Public Company Comps Tool, and Cost of Capital Professional.
NEW! Quickly view the search criteria you’ve used, see the resulting transactions counts from your selections, and remove or adjust any criteria with the Search Insights tool.
NEW! Never miss an important transaction and receive notifications when new transactions are added, based on your specific saved search parameters with the new Deal Alert feature.
NEW! Easily revisit your work by saving your efforts at any time and take control with all-new export options.
Anchor your reports with the most current pre-IPO data – continuous updates provide the timeliest information.
Keep ahead with a quarterly summary chart of median DLOMs by year for each of the included pre-IPO timeframes.
Capture lack of marketability discount data with advanced search results that including statistics on count, range, mean, and median.
Employ the same credible database used by the “Big 4 Accounting Firms” as well as the IRS.
Drill into the details and easily narrow down your transaction data search criteria by:
Industry or business description
Operating income
Operating profit margin
Date of transaction or IPO
NAICS or SIC code