Guides, Books & Special Reports

BVR publications bring you the most up-to-date thought-leadership in the valuation profession with guides, books, and special reports on the most timely topics.

Category: fair value for financial reporting

Benchmarking Identifiable Intangibles and Their Useful Lives in Business Combinations, Third Edition

August 2021 PDF, Softcover

BVR (editor)

Business Valuation Resources, LLC

Benchmark data is used to help support the allocation of intangible assets and the estimation of remaining useful lives for a purchase price allocation (PPA). Now in its third edition, Benchmarking Identifiable Intangibles and Their Useful Lives in Business Combinations delivers a compilation of reported, vetted and carefully analyzed data, particularly focused on useful lives of intangible assets as reflected in almost 16,000 purchase price allocations Learn more >>

Fair Value Measurement: Practical Guidance and Implementation, 3rd Edition

January 2020 Hardcover (512 pages)

Mark Zyla

John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

Fair Value Measurement provides hands-on guidance and the latest best practices for measuring fair value in financial reporting. The Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB), the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), and the American Institute of CPAs (AICPA) have all updated their guidelines for practitioners, and this book details the changes from a practical perspective. Learn more >>

Business Valuation Yearbook 2016

February 2016 PDF (371 pages)

BVR (editor)

Business Valuation Resources, LLC

Keep up with business valuation’s most innovative approaches and techniques, new court decisions, and regulatory and professional standards updates. BVR has you covered with the Business Valuation Update Yearbook 2016. This newest edition from the publishers of Business Valuation Update covers the year’s most groundbreaking and thought-provoking advancements Learn more >>

BVR Legal and Court Case Yearbook 2016

February 2016 PDF (262 pages)

BVR (editor)

Business Valuation Resources, LLC

The BVR Legal and Court Case Yearbook 2016 is essential for business appraisers and attorneys who want to stay ahead of their peers on the most important legal issues confronting business valuation. With in-depth analysis from BVR’s legal team, the lessons learned in this book help appraisers come to better and more defensible valuation conclusions. Learn more >>

Business Valuation Update Yearbook 2015

February 2015 978-1-62150-048-3 PDF

BVR (editor)

Business Valuation Resources, LLC

BVR has you covered with the latest news in the business valuation profession! Get your Business Valuation Update Yearbook 2015 now to stay up to date with the most innovative approaches and techniques, leading conferences, new court decisions and changes in regulations and standards in the profession with on-the-ground reporting from valuation experts, thought-leaders and the BVR editorial team. Learn more >>

BVR Legal and Court Case Yearbook 2015

February 2015 978-1-62150-047-6 PDF (262 pages)

BVR (editor)

Business Valuation Resources, LLC

The BVR Legal and Court Case Yearbook 2015 is essential for business valuation professionals and attorneys to stay current on the most important legal issues confronting the profession. The Yearbook covers marital disputes, breach of contract actions, damages, dissenting shareholder disputes, estate and gift tax cases, federal taxation, intellectual property cases, bankruptcy litigation, and more. Learn more >>

BVR's Guide to Fair Value in Shareholder Dissent, Oppression, and Marital Dissolution

July 2011 978-1-935081-79-1 Hardcover, PDF (806 pages)

BVR (editor)

Business Valuation Resources, LLC

The best-selling Fair Value in Shareholder Dissent, Oppression, and Marital Dissolution guide includes relevant articles and webinar transcripts by top business valuation professionals such as Shannon Pratt, Jay Fishman, Gilbert Matthews, and Michelle Patterson. In addition, it includes a wealth of court case digests and full text court opinions, a reference chart listing the statutes in all 50 states, and much more. Learn more >>


