Valuing Small and Micro Businesses Using the Income Method
Focus in on valuing micro and small businesses using the income methods of business valuation. Learn to distinguish differing risk factors between large companies and micro and very small companies. Join Gregory Caruso for a deep dive into problematic areas of actual small-business valuation cases to review theory and tie it into the actual application of methods using best practices and professional judgment. Audience questions and succinct opinions welcomed in this hands-on event.
Forecasting: Removing Rose Colored Glasses
Projections are commonly relied on for business valuations, lost profits analyses, reorganization plans, and a host of other projects within litigation. Using forensic accounting analysis, the speaker will address “rose-colored” projections and how to work with them. Expert Josh Shilts will discuss how to increase confidence levels of projections using macro and micro market data along with statistical analysis.
GameStop and AMC set the stage to redefine ‘fair’ investment value
BVWire—UK hopes all of our readers are silently enjoying the GameStop and AMC stock price explosion these last two weeks.
BVU News and Trends December 2020
A monthly roundup of key developments of interest to business valuation experts.
Stark Differences from the Inside Out: Two Key Responders Discuss The Final Stark Regulations for FMV and Commercial Reasonableness
The Stark regulations have been updated. What has changed and how does it impact value? Mark Dietrich and Tim Smith were two major contributors of public comments to the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid (CMS) for the updated Stark regulations with over 100 pages of newly written material that was influential in the development of the final regulatory definitions for FMV and commercial reasonableness. In addition, they included over a dozen chapters from the BVR/AHLA ...
BVU News and Trends November 2020
A monthly roundup of key developments of interest to business valuation experts.
Take Control of Your Premiums
Join BVR for a first look at the new Control Premium Study platform. In the session we will cover the basics of the control premium study, discuss the enhancements to the platform, and provide a walkthrough of how to best utilize the new platform to retrieve control premiums, minority discounts, and multiples.
BVU News and Trends October 2020
A monthly roundup of key developments of interest to business valuation experts.
Food for thought in BVR’s new guide to valuing restaurants
There is no magic formula for doing valuations for firms impacted by the pandemic—especially in the hard-hit restaurant sector.
Valuing Micro and Small Businesses in the Shadows of COVID-19
Valuing micro and small businesses in the shadow of COVID-19 is daunting. COVID-19’s effects on the economy has magnified risk and uncertainty for small business, making the job of valuators more difficult. Join small business broker, attorney, valuation professional, and author Gregory Caruso for a deep dive into problematic areas of actual small-business valuation cases. With a review of how the theory ties into the actual application of methods using best practices and professional judgment ...
Global BVU News and Trends September 2020
Business valuation news from a global perspective.
Time to Take a Fresh Look at the Use of Transaction Databases
This is an adaptation of an article contained in the new fourth edition of The Comprehensive Guide to the Use and Application of Transaction Databases.
Key Issues in Valuing Owner Operated Small Businesses
Owner-operated business must be considered in a different framework than many other types of business. Everything from hypothetical transaction (asset sale versus equity interest) to financial objectives (minimize taxable income versus maximize shareholder value) must be considered from a different perspective. Join David Coffman as he discusses rate of return and personal goodwill through this unique lens.
DealStats now lets nonsubscribers search comparables
The DealStats public- and private-transaction database now allows a nonsubscriber to fully utilize the “Quick Search” and “Search” tabs to view limited information on the “Data” tab.
New enhancements made to DealStats transaction database
DealStats (formerly Pratt’s Stats), the state-of-the-art platform for private- and public-company transaction comparables, has made some enhancements.
Reminder to take the A/E firm valuation survey
If you haven’t done so already, please take a few minutes to respond to a survey on the architecture, engineering, and environmental consulting industries (A/E firms) for the A/E Business Valuation and M&A Transaction Study, 8th edition, from Rusk O’Brien Gido + Partners.
BVU News and Trends July 2020
A monthly roundup of key developments of interest to business valuation experts.
Participants needed for A/E firm valuation study
Rusk O’Brien Gido + Partners is collecting transactional data on the architecture, engineering, and environmental consulting industries (A/E firms) for its A/E Business Valuation and M&A Transaction Study, 8th edition.
The Balance Sheet and its Correlation to Company Specific Risk
The pandemic is teaching us that businesses, small and large, and their balance sheets are important not just from handling a pandemic, but also from sustaining operations. Understanding assets, and which matter, will help analysts determine the specific company risks. Expert Josh Shilts discusses which categories are important in understanding risk and what ratios and other analyses can be used to measure risk. Identifying and linking balance sheet financials to company-specific risk is a critical ...
New business valuation resource from Professor Fernandez captures low market returns
Pablo Fernandez continues to release research that may assist UK business valuers working on reports with valuation dates in Q1 2020.
How to avoid trouble when using transaction databases
Understand your data!
Structure, Valuation & Tax Insights for Logistics & Trucking Companies
Join Jaclyn Burket Frank and Ricky Castillo for an engaging trip into the world of logistics and trucking businesses. Discover the different types of entity structure along with the advantages and disadvantages of each structure. Learn how the 2018 tax law impacted each entity structure and common deductible/nondeductible expenses for the logistics and trucking industry. The industry-specific adjustments to consider along with specific questions to ask business owners to determine whether economic, governmental, and location ...
Put extra scrutiny on market comps, panel advises
The market approach is obviously troublesome now, which makes it even more important to scrutinize your comps, according to a panel that participated in BVR’s second free Town Hall event on the impact of COVID-19 on valuations.
BVU News and Trends April 2020
A monthly roundup of key developments of interest to business valuation experts.
Global BVU News and Trends March 2020
Business valuation news from a global perspective.