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Carnegie Mellon University v. Marvell Technology Group (IV)

District court finds plaintiff’s expert qualified to testify to reasonable royalty calculation under Third Circuit’s liberal interpretation of Daubert despite lack of actual experience negotiating patent licenses; a hypothetical negotiation has no applica ...

Europe now has its unitary patent

Federal Circuit: Again, Georgia-Pacific is not a rule

Speaking of cliffs …

Federal Circuit: there goes the 25% rule of thumb!

What are cost sharing arrangements (CSAs)?

‘Value of Use’ in Copyright Infringement Cases Is Still ‘Difficult’ and ‘Evolving’

Federal district court excludes hypothetical royalty for copyrighted software based on expert’s failure to rely on any comparable licenses or adequately explain their differences from his estimated 35% rate.

Federal Circuit Restricts Patent Damages to ‘Smallest Salable Infringing Unit’

Federal Circuit requires the apportionment analysis for patent infringement claims to focus on the “smallest saleable unit.”

Is Apple tiring of litigation?

Head of USPTO announces plans to resign

526 - 550 of 1,630 results