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How to value uncertainty whilst keeping your clients’ confidence

Chris Thorne tells BVWire—UK that ‘most valuer’s Inboxes at the moment are full of comment about the difficulties of undertaking valuations,’ but he’s still receiving requests for advice about ‘providing a suitable warning in their reports that their valuations are subject to material valuation uncertainty.’

What the New Subchapter V in Bankruptcy Means to Business Valuers

Michael D. Pakter (a managing member at Gould & Pakter Associates LLC in Chicago) discusses the new niche subchapter of the Bankruptcy Code that creates an easier and less expensive path for small businesses to reorganize and survive.

AICPA urges Congress to act on PPP-related deductions

New guidance from the IRS says that, if a business “reasonably believes” that its Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) loan will be forgiven, the costs related to that loan are not deductible.

Match industry forecasts to valuation date

At a number of conference sessions we’ve attended recently, speakers say that they are spending a great deal more time on the industry and economic analyses for their valuations.

New guidance issued on the Payroll Protection Plan

During a recent BVR webinar, speakers report that many business owners will claim their Payroll Protection Plan (PPP) loans will be 100% forgiven.

New Research From Grabowski and Abbott on Recovery and Growth

New upcoming research from Roger Grabowski (Duff & Phelps) and Ashok Abbott (West Virginia University) challenges conventional wisdom about long-term growth rates and economic recovery.

BV recruiter sees remote work patterns emerging

In a world where the workplace has been turned upside down by the pandemic, hiring someone to work in permanent remote status from the get-go is no longer rare, observes John Borrowman (Borrowman Baker LLC), a recruiter who has worked exclusively in the BV profession for over 20 years.

Practitioners discover efficiencies in wake of lockdowns

The unprecedented events of the past year forced professional service firms to adapt the dynamics of operating an office and meeting with clients.

Update on the pandemic’s impact on the gaming industry

While at the ASA International Conference in Las Vegas, we reached out to industry research provider Vertical IQ to give us an update on the impact of the pandemic on the gaming industry.

Pandemic’s boost to gaming industry margins may linger

When we attended the ASA conference in Las Vegas in October, one thing we noticed was that the level of service in the hotel/casino was not what it once was.

Valuation Lessons Learned From the Gaming Industry

No matter what type of firm you are valuing, there are several lessons to be learned from the gaming industry. Several industry experts from different markets—Las Vegas, Colorado, and Illinois—shared some fascinating insights into the business of gambling including how these firms operate and how they’re recovering from the pandemic.

Take a fresh look at your long-term growth rate, says Grabowski

Do you estimate a long-term growth rate by taking long-term real GDP growth plus expected inflation? If you do, you may want to reconsider, according to recent research by Roger Grabowski (Kroll) and Ashok Abbott (West Virginia University).

Goodwill impairments YTD 2022 are up, per Kroll analysis

Risky financial markets and an uncertain economic environment add up to increased goodwill impairments.

Discounted Cash Flow: Speculative or Convincing

Gary Trugman and Harold Martin will discuss, debate, and dissect the pros and cons of using a discounted cash flow analysis, particularly in times of COVID-19. With questions such as how to handle the unknown future, when and how to use past performance to forecast the future, what to do when management gives you a forecast that you do not believe, and what to do when management is incapable of giving you a forecast at ...

Journal of Business Valuation 2020 Edition

From the CBV Institute ...

Global BV News and Trends November 2021

Business valuation news from a global perspective.

What It’s Worth: Valuing Dental Practices

January 2025 PDF (150 pages)

BVR (editor)

Business Valuation Resources, LLC

Drill deep into the unique concerns of valuing dental practices. Fully understand how these firms operate, the nature of their revenue streams, value drivers, the industry environment, the risks involved, and other key factors for valuation professionals and any other stakeholder in a related business.  Learn more >>

Global BV News: COVID-19 impact on EURO STOXX 50 captured in new study

Not surprisingly, in the first four months of 2020, only six of the EURO STOXX 50 had positive return and the average return was -24.4%, according to Shareholder Return of the EURO STOXX 50 Companies: 2004-2020 (April 30) from Pablo Fernandez (University of Navarra—IESE Business School, Spain).

Leigh Miller says valuation ‘ranges’ still raise questions with auditors, even during COVID-19

Using multiple forecast scenarios has been a commonly practiced approach to market volatility—and many UK business valuers are now saying that it should be used more widely.

COVID-19 hasn’t hurt any of the large UK providers of business valuation financial data

UK business valuers don’t have to worry that their large financial data sources will disappear any time soon.

Global BV News and Trends March 2022

Business valuation news from a global perspective.

Global BVU News and Trends March 2021

Business valuation news from a global perspective.

Structure, Valuation & Tax Insights for Logistics & Trucking Companies

Join Jaclyn Burket Frank and Ricky Castillo for an engaging trip into the world of logistics and trucking businesses. Discover the different types of entity structure along with the advantages and disadvantages of each structure. Learn how the 2018 tax law impacted each entity structure and common deductible/nondeductible expenses for the logistics and trucking industry. The industry-specific adjustments to consider along with specific questions to ask business owners to determine whether economic, governmental, and location ...

Global BVU News and Trends December 2020

Business valuation news from a global perspective.

BVU News and Trends June 2020

A monthly roundup of key developments of interest to business valuation experts.

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