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The Balance Sheet and its Correlation to Company Specific Risk

The pandemic is teaching us that businesses, small and large, and their balance sheets are important not just from handling a pandemic, but also from sustaining operations. Understanding assets, and which matter, will help analysts determine the specific company risks. Expert Josh Shilts discusses which categories are important in understanding risk and what ratios and other analyses can be used to measure risk. Identifying and linking balance sheet financials to company-specific risk is a critical ...

New business valuation resource from Professor Fernandez captures low market returns

Pablo Fernandez continues to release research that may assist UK business valuers working on reports with valuation dates in Q1 2020.

How to value uncertainty whilst keeping your clients’ confidence

Chris Thorne tells BVWire—UK that ‘most valuer’s Inboxes at the moment are full of comment about the difficulties of undertaking valuations,’ but he’s still receiving requests for advice about ‘providing a suitable warning in their reports that their valuations are subject to material valuation uncertainty.’

AICPA issues FAQs on valuation considerations related to the CARES Act

The latest in a series of very useful material from the AICPA is a document that includes FAQs that address questions about the impact of the CARES Act on business valuation.

Mercer using a 1% COVID-19 risk premium—for now

Veteran business valuer Chris Mercer (Mercer Capital) was a keynote speaker at the New York State Society of CPAs Business Valuation/Litigation Services Conference, which was held online on May 18.

Refinitiv and S&P Global both enhance sustainability ‘ESG’

The two big financial data providers, Refinitiv and SPGI, released improvements to their methodologies to score listed company performance across social value themes including emissions, environmental product innovation, diversity and inclusion, human rights, and shareholder access.

BVU News and Trends May 2020

A monthly roundup of key developments of interest to business valuation experts.

Volatility Adjustments for Industry, Size and Leverage

How well do you understand the theory and application of industry, size, and leverage adjustments for estimating equity volatility? Do you feel confident explaining it to a new analyst? A client? A judge? It may be time to get more confident. Join James Herr for a discussion of the basic concepts around applying volatility estimates in valuation, covering common pitfalls when calculating the basic volatility measure. Learn the differences between equity and asset volatilities, and ...

AICPA issues FAQs on valuing distressed or impaired businesses

Strong companies may see the current pandemic as an opportunity to fortify their balance sheets and other assets, according to the AICPA’s FAQs on Valuation Considerations When Valuing Distressed or Impaired Businesses.

Adult Nightclubs: Company-Specific Risk at the Extreme

David Shindel (ShindelRock) and Rod Burkert (Burkert Valuation Advisors) pull back the curtains of adult clubs to reveal their operating characteristics, special risks, and valuation nuances that push the limits of company-specific risk.

BVU News and Trends April 2020

A monthly roundup of key developments of interest to business valuation experts.

Valuing Distressed and Impaired Companies in the Time of Coronavirus

The Coronavirus Pandemic has created perhaps the most unusual economic downturn at least in our lifetimes and likely in the past 100 years. For Americans, the Pandemic stopped in its tracks one of the most explosive economic growth and expansion in many years, if ever. Overnight almost, businesses that were economically sound and growing were turned into distressed and impaired businesses. Jim Alerding will analyze the valuation perspective needed to value a distressed or impaired ...

Duff & Phelps raises US ERP from 5.0% to 6.0% for 1Q valuation dates

D&P has increased its recommended U.S. equity risk premium (ERP) from 5.0% to 6.0% for use as of 25 March 2020.

D&P increases recommended U.S. ERP to 6.0%

Duff & Phelps has increased its recommended U.S. equity risk premium (ERP) from 5.0% to 6.0% for use as of March 25, 2020, according to a client alert.

BVU News and Trends March 2020

A monthly roundup of key developments of interest to business valuation experts.

New BVR briefing on impact of data breaches on firm value

During this time of crisis, hacking and data breaches are likely to increase.

BVR Briefing – Cybersecurity in Business Valuation: Addressing the Impact of Data Breaches on Value

March 2020 PDF (37 pages)

Business Valuation Resources, LLC

This BVR Briefing presents some emerging ideas and techniques that are helping to pave the way to better understand and measure the impact of data security and cyber liability risks on the value of a business. Renowned cybersecurity pros Charles Hoff and Michael Blake share their deep knowledge and proven strategies. Learn more >>

Two new resources for 2020 UK ERP, risk-free rate, and other indicators

Pablo Fernandez, professor of finance at the IESE Business School, is surveying business valuation professionals in the UK to determine what cost of equity assumptions they are using for 2020.

Assessing Cybersecurity Risk When Doing a Business Valuation

Don’t fall into the trap of thinking that just large firms face material risks related to data security and privacy concerns. Here’s a checklist for the guidance of valuation professionals to help assess these risks when performing a business valuation.

Current BUM and CAPM cost of capital rates now available from BVR’s Cost of Capital Pro

Year-end 2019 data are now available in BVR’s Cost of Capital Professional.

YE2019 data are now in the Cost of Capital Professional

Year-end 2019 data, including risk-free rates, industry risk premia, equity risk premia, and size premia, are now available in BVR’s Cost of Capital Professional platform.

D&P examines impact of coronavirus on asset values

Duff & Phelps is monitoring the financial impact of the coronavirus on businesses and asset values across the investment funds sector globally, according to a client alert.

BVU News and Trends January 2020

A monthly roundup of key developments of interest to business valuation experts.

Implied ERP at 5.2% per Damodaran’s data update

Professor Aswath Damodaran (New York University Stern School of Business) has done his annual posting of data updates on his website that include risk-free rates, equity risk premiums, corporate default spreads, corporate tax rates, country risk premiums, and other data.

Will the ‘Boris Bounce’ increase the value of small and medium-sized enterprises?

In theory, clarification and stabilisation make markets happy, so the current road map to exit should encourage investors.

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