BVU News and Trends June 2020
A monthly roundup of key developments of interest to business valuation experts.
BVU News and Trends November 2020
A monthly roundup of key developments of interest to business valuation experts.
Global BV News: Global VPOs issue guidance and support to valuers during crisis
Valuation experts can look to the latest edition of the International Valuation Standards (under Section 103: “Reporting”) for guidance on valuations during this time of uncertainty, points out Nick Talbot, chief executive of the International Valuation Standards Council (IVSC) in a statement.
Global BV News: EIU: Global economy will contract by 2.2%
In the wake of the coronavirus outbreak, the Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU) has revised its growth forecasts for all countries across the world, and the picture is “bleak,” it says in a report.
Management Projections, Always Suspicious, Now Receive Even More Review
Management projections have always required scrutiny. However, now it seems they often require outright skepticism. And if they don’t receive this level of examination from the business appraiser, then they’ll get it from the auditors, the reviewers, the ...
How Should You Value Closely Held Businesses During these Crazy Times?
If you think keeping up with the tax laws or international standards is challenging, try valuing closely held businesses when Wall Street is going nuts. Everywhere we look, BV analysts are trying to figure out what to do when valuing a business in this ec ...
Market Volatility and Its Impact on the Valuation Advisors Pre-IPO Database
The recent stock market volatility has ripple effects on pre-IPO studies, which are used to estimate a discount for lack of marketability (DLOM).
Coronavirus fallout impacts the valuation community
The unpredictable coronavirus is disrupting work plans of valuation and accounting firms and impacting the global market.
Is History Repeating Itself? A List of BV Guidance From the 2008 Financial Crisis
Insights from business valuation history can give some degree of help during today’s crisis. Here are some blasts from the past courtesy of the search capabilities of the BVResearch Pro platform.
Coronavirus forces cancellation of most of the few available business valuation CPD events
Those searching for business valuation professional training or CPD have few places to turn in the UK at the moment.
Global BV News: IVSC extends comment period on inventory guidance
The International Valuation Standards Council (IVSC), the independent standard-setter for the global valuation profession, has extended the comment period to June 30 for its exposure draft on the valuation of inventory.
Discounted cash flow projections during the crisis: tune in Thursday to BVR webinar
To keep DCF analyses trustworthy, are multiple scenarios now required?
Estate planning opportunity amid depressed business values
Among the key takeaways from the recent ENGAGE 2020 conference sponsored by the AICPA was one of particular interest to business valuers.
Global BV News: Damodaran to conduct masterclass on valuation
Professor Aswath Damodaran (New York University Stern School of Business) will conduct a masterclass in valuation as part of the IVAS-IVSC Business Valuation Conference 2020 October 6-7.
Pandemic Triggers Chances for Valuers in Exit Planning
Remarks from the AICPA ENGAGE conference on the timely opportunities for financial professionals in exit/succession planning. This article gives some basics on how valuation experts can leverage their experience into this type of consulting.
Choose Your Client Wisely in a Bankruptcy Engagement
Robert Reilly (Willamette Management Associates) and Josh Shilts (Shilts CPA) conducted an informative session on valuations for bankruptcy at the AICPA FVS Conference.
BVR featured in ABA podcast on divorce valuations
BVWire editors Sylvia Golden and Andy Dzamba joined moderator Tom Urquhart at the American Bar Association on a podcast to discuss Business Valuation in Divorce: A Case Compendium, a book co-published by BVR and the ABA.
Global BV News: ‘Amazing’ rebound for valuations in India
Over the past six months, “we have been amazed that valuations for most industries (save some severe casualties of COVID, including tourism, hotels, and aviation) are back to pre-COVID levels,” says a study on cost of capital in India.
ASA adds two events to the spring conference season
The American Society of Appraisers (ASA) will present a brand-new event—and a popular ongoing one.
Global BV News: Cost of capital parameters in Europe as of June 30, 2021
ValueTrust has released an eighth edition (dated June 30, 2021) of its “European Capital Market Study” that serves as a comprehensive compilation of capital market parameters such as cost of capital and implied as well as historical risk premiums for European countries.
New trends help eateries build business
Virtual restaurants—commercial kitchens that operate through delivery services and do not have a physical dine-in space—are increasing due to the coronavirus pandemic, reports the Vertical IQ industry research platform in a recent “Coronavirus Update” for the restaurant industry.
Rose’s 1, LLC v. Erie Ins. Exch.
D.C. court, ruling on parties’ motions for summary judgment, finds restaurant owners cannot show that mayor’s COVID-19-related closure orders constituted “direct physical loss” to the property, as required under the existing business interruption policy; court rules for insurer and closes case.
Global BVU News and Trends September 2020
Business valuation news from a global perspective.
Power Panel: Live Expert Answers for Today’s Tough BV Questions
What is in store for 2021? While we don’t have a crystal ball, we do have the next best thing. Thought leaders Jay Fishman, Jeff Tarbell, Michelle Gallagher, and Ken Pia are on hand to answer your questions on what is changing, trends within the profession, and thought processes behind tackling tough problems. What’s more, if you send in a video of yourself asking the question, you will get free admission to the session. Use ...
BVU News and Trends February 2021
A monthly roundup of key developments of interest to business valuation experts.