Reasonable Compensation for Closely Held Businesses + RCReports Demo

BVResearch Pro
Training Event Transcripts
August 15, 2019
Stephen Kirkland, CPA
Paul Hamann
executive compensation, income approach, IRS job aid, normalization, reasonable compensation, market-based approach, expert report, excess compensation, replacement cost method, compensation


Determining reasonable compensation for closely held small and medium-sized businesses is not a magical or mysterious process. In fact, it is a straight forward process that relies on a basic understanding of the three different methods for determining reasonable compensation and when and where they apply. Join Stephen Kirkland and Paul Hamann for this rewarding and rich session. Practitioners armed with this knowledge and the proper tools can easily determine reasonable compensation for any company. In addition, see a demo of RC Reports software in action.
Reasonable Compensation for Closely-held Businesses + RCReports Demo
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