Trial Court Misinterprets Damages Rules for Design Patent Violation

Business Valuation UpdateVol. 21 No. 12
Legal and Court Case Update
December 2015
3569 General Industrial Machinery and Equipment, NEC
333999 All Other Miscellaneous General Purpose Machinery Manufacturing
intellectual property
damages, lost profits, patent infringement, expert testimony, reasonable royalty, apportionment

Nordock, Inc. v. Systems, Inc.
2015 U.S. App. LEXIS 17117
September 29, 2015
Federal Court
Federal Circuit
United States Court of Appeals
Dr. Stan V. Smith (plaintiff); Richard F. Bero (defendant)


Federal Circuit rejects design patent infringement award where prevailing expert improperly apportioned the infringer’s profits and jury failed to determine infringer’s profits but, against the weight of the evidence, simply stated they equaled zero.

See Also

Nordock, Inc. v. Systems, Inc.

Federal Circuit rejects design patent infringement award where prevailing expert improperly apportioned the infringer’s profits and jury failed to determine infringer’s profits but, against the weight of the evidence, simply stated they equaled zero.