‘Nonfinancial liabilities is one area where very little if anything has been published by any other valuation body,’ says Andreas Ohl, chair of the IVSC Business Valuation Board. ‘It’s not just a gap in our standards; it’s frankly a gap in the profession overall.’ His committee is in the final stages of adjusting their exposure draft for IVS based on many comment letters received. Ohl reports that the major theme in the comments was about scope: ‘What is included in the scope and what isn’t? As a board we had spent a fair amount of time prior to drafting the exposure draft looking at the issue of scope and it seems we may need to do a little bit more work to get it clear.’ The IVSC anticipates that the new guidance will be available by the end of June.
New IVS business valuation guidance on nonfinancial liabilities on schedule for next month
BVWire–UKIssue #2-2
May 21, 2019
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