iiBV intangible assets 212 course gets kudos

BVWire–UKIssue #6-1
September 16, 2019

global business valuation education, intangible assets, intangible valuation, international institute of business valuators (IIBV), training

Several BVWire—UK readers have commented that they’ve used the new iiBV 212 Valuing Intangible Assets online course to help staff get up to speed on the key business valuation concepts. Taught by John Barton, this IVS-compliant course includes Excel-based case studies so that valuers can see the application of intangibles valuation methods (MPEEM, relief from royalty, and the profit split method, among others) to financial reporting and particularly purchase price allocations. Estimated time to complete the 13 modules is two hours. The iiBV course costs £120 (group discounts are available) and includes a certificate of knowledge in intangible asset valuation and iiBV 212 credit.
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