Valuation Advisors

Defend your discounts for lack of
marketability with the most current data...

Defend your discounts for lack of marketability (DLOM) with the most current data in the Valuation Advisors Lack of Marketability Discount Study. This robust tool enables you to reference actual DLOMs for companies with similar characteristics to your subject company. 

  • Search 18,700+ transactions, including 2,300+ non-U.S. deals covering 45 countries
  • Get continuous updates that provide the most timely information
  • Access a quarterly summary chart of median DLOMs by year for each of the included pre-IPO timeframes
  • Capture lack of marketability data with advanced search results

Take the database for a test drive with a free demo! Fill out the form and we'll be in touch to schedule a demo within 1 business day. If you have additional questions, please contact us at: or 1-503-479-8200.

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Lack of Marketability Discount Study