IP value in Brazil
For a while now, The Licensing Letter has been reporting on the burgeoning Brazilian IP world, specifically with trademarks and brands. Jack Ellis, writing in IAM Magazine, has reported on the recent APBI (a Brazilian IP association) meeting that had an attendance exceeding 1,000 delegates.
According to International Licensing: a Status Report, Brazil in many ways has the most mature and developed licensing market of all the BRIC (Brazil, Russia, India and China) countries. It has by far the highest per-capita sales of licensed merchandise (more than $10.00), the most diverse market in terms of property categories and property types, and a strong indigenous licensing landscape.
And things are looking up. Not only are the next World Cup and summer Olympics coming to Brazil, but the country is one of the world’s leading franchise marketplaces. The average Brazilian has increasing amounts of disposable income; unemployment is reportedly down to less than 6%, from a high of 13.5%. Over the past decade, over 40 million people have entered the Brazilian middle class.
The Huffington Post UK reports Brazil is now the world’s second largest social media market, with some 40.3 million people using social media on a regular basis. 15.4 million smartphones were purchased in Brazil in 2012 - an increase of 73% in ownership.