Identifying, valuing and protecting IP is a not just a legal issue, it's strategic

Mary Juetten of beseeches the SME and start-up communities to identify and protect their IP, even if they don’t feel their business has enough IP to be concerned about.

Protecting IP is not just a legal issue, it’s strategic, as IP rights go towards giving businesses competitive advantage. Not understanding the nature, value and ownership issues of an organization’s IP can lead to lost IP, lost business, and, importantly, can interfere with taking the business to the next level or finding a potential buyer.

“When fund raising, preparing for due diligence upon exit or acquisition, or hiring employees and contractors, it is critical to have both a complete IP inventory and a strategy to monetize and protect your IP.”

To read the full article, click here.

Small business owners and business valuation analysts alike will benefit from the best-selling BVR's Guide to Intellectual Property Valuation.
