/ December
The latest quarterly Economic Outlook Update has been posted this morning
The newest quarter of Economic Outlook Update (with October 2011 data) is available for download at www.BVLibrary.com. Each issue is available Word, Excel, and PDF formats. Subscribers are welcome to access, download, print and save any issue of the Economic Outlook Update to your computer.
To access the latest Economic Outlook Update (or to subscribe), follow these easy steps:
- Go to www.BVLibrary.com.
- On the left-hand side menu, place your cursor over Economic Outlook Update and click on Find Issue from the pop-up list
- When prompted, enter your username and password (or order a new subscription). Select your issue of interest from the drop-down list
- Select your issue of interest from the drop-down list
- Click on one of the options to download the Word, Excel or PDF version.
Or, for customer service questions or any problems accessing your issue, please contact Customer Service.