Preparing fair value measurements for financial reporting has become an increasingly large part of the activities of business valuation specialists. In a recent survey of the business valuation profession by The Appraisal Foundation, over 60% of respondents indicated that they participate in this subspecialty. The survey results also indicated that this was the largest of the business valuation subspecialties among respondents. Given the rigor surrounding financial statement preparation, auditing of financial statements, and the activities of federal regulators, business valuation specialists are well advised to create and maintain an equally rigorous process and culture surrounding their preparation of fair value measurements for financial reporting. Anthony Aaron will outline some of the critical features that would be characteristic of a culture and process that supports a high degree of quality. Join the discussion of the current efforts by the profession around quality and the plans for a new accreditation for those who perform fair value measurements.
Promoting Quality in Providing Fair Value Measurements for Financial Reporting
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