Slightest support for court’s valuation renders it unassailable

Business Valuation UpdateVol. 11 No. 11
Legal and Court Case Update
November 2005
7299 Miscellaneous Personal Services, NEC
812199 Other Personal Care Services
marital dissolution/divorce
fair market value (FMV), marital dissolution

Young v. Young
2005 Tex. App. LEXIS 4920
June 24, 2005
State Court
Court of Appeals
Joan Summers (for husband)


One of the issues in this marital dissolution was the value of husband’s sole proprietorship interest in Sun Shak Tans, a tanning salon.

See Also

Young v. Young

One of the issues in this marital dissolution was the value of husband's sole proprietorship interest in Sun Shak Tans, a tanning salon.