Practice Goodwill Is Marital Asset; Tax Consequences Best Considered in Equalizing Judgment

Business Valuation UpdateVol. 9 No. 12
Legal and Court Case Update
December 2003
8721 Accounting, Auditing, and Bookkeeping Services
541211 Offices of Certified Public Accountants
marital dissolution/divorce
marital dissolution

Seiler v. Seiler
2003 Wash. App. LEXIS 1876
August 26, 2003
State Court
Court of Appeals
Thomas Burger, CPA (for wife)


The primary issues in this marital dissolution were the value of husband’s 50% interest in his accounting firm,...

See Also

Seiler v. Seiler

Issue is whether speculative tax consequences are an element of valuing an ongoing business, in this case an accounting practice.