Lost Profits Based on Single Price Quote Too Speculative?

Business Valuation UpdateVol. 16 No. 3
Legal and Court Case Update
March 2010
5013 Motor Vehicle Supplies and New Parts
423120 Motor Vehicle Supplies and New Parts Merchant Wholesalers

Multimatic, Inc. v. Faurecia Interior Systems, USA, Inc.
2009 WL (C.A.6 (Mich.)) (Dec. 22, 2009) (Unpub.)
December 22, 2009
Federal Court
6th Circuit
United States Court of Appeals
Lawrence Simon, Michael Harzmark (plaintiff)


Court upholds $10 million in lost profits damages against automaker supplier based on letter of intent, confidentiality agreement, and single price quote but confirms exclusion of $28 million in additional damages based on speculation.

See Also

Multimatic, Inc. v. Faurecia Interior Systems, USA, Inc.

Court upholds $10 million in lost profits damages against automaker supplier based on letter of intent, confidentiality agreement, and single price quote but confirms exclusion of $28 million in additional damages based on speculation.