Lost Profit Testimony Falls Short of Needed Expert Evidence

Business Valuation UpdateVol. 15 No. 1
Legal and Court Case Update
January 2009
5812 Eating and Drinking Places
722511 Full-Service Restaurants

Nieman v. Bunnell Hill Development, Co.
2008 WL 4694998 (Ohio App.)
October 27, 2008
State Court
Court of Appeals
K Roger Schoeni, Kimberly A Kyle, Robert S Kaiser


Owners’ lost profits calculations comparing profits from his restaurant at an old location to those he made at a new location fall short of reasonable certainty standard.

See Also

Nieman v. Bunnell Hill Development, Co., Inc.

Owners’ lost profits calculations comparing profits from his restaurant at an old location to those he made a new location fall short of reasonable certainty standard.