Insurance Agent’s Book of Business Valued at Multiple of Three Times Pretax Earnings

Business Valuation Update BVLaw
Legal and Court Case Update
February 3, 2006
marital dissolution/divorce

James A. Berger v. Denise R. Berger
No. 2004-CA-001691-MR (Ky. App. 2006), unpublished
State Court
Court of Appeals
Beverly R. Storm, Robert L. Raper, Robert W. Carran
Steve J. Santen, CFA; Ariye Ginzburg; Anna Shuerk; Mark Wilcox
McAnulty, Jr.


The Kentucky Court of Appeals affirmed the valuation of an insurance agent’s book of business based on a multiple of three times pretax earnings.

See Also

James A. Berger v. Denise R. Berger

The Kentucky Court of Appeals affirmed the valuation of an insurance agent’s book of business based on a multiple of three times pre-tax earnings.