Financial Analysis Shows Loss of Revenue Not Linked to Partial Quick Take of Munitions Testing Property

Business Valuation Update BVLaw
Legal and Court Case Update
February 3, 2006
1521 General Contractors-Single-Family Houses

City of Santa Clarita v. NTS Technical Systems
No. B169596 (CAl. App. 2 Dist. 2006), unpublished
State Court
Court of Appeals
Alan A. Sozio, Brian A. Pierik, Carl K. Newton, Michael K. Maher
Thomas Pastore, CPA <br>


The California Court of Appeals, 2nd District, concluded, based on the testimony of a financial expert, that the owner of condemned property suffered no loss to its goodwill as a result of a partial taking of property used as a munitions testing facility.

See Also

City of Santa Clarita v. NTS Technical Systems

The California Court of Appeals, Second District concluded, based on the testimony of a financial expert, that the owner of condemned property suffered no loss to its goodwill as a result of a partial taking of property used as a munitions testing facilit ...