Court Likens ‘Book of Business’ to Professional Goodwill

Business Valuation UpdateVol. 20 No. 3
Legal and Court Case Update
March 2014
6282 Investment Advice
523920 Portfolio Management
marital dissolution/divorce

Finby v. Finby
2013 Cal. App. Unpub. LEXIS 9097
December 18, 2013
State Court
Court of Appeal
Andrew Hunt, CPA (wife); Quinton Ellis, Industry Analyst (wife); Stephen Zamucen, CPA (husband); Howard Buchler, Industry Analyst (husband)


Appeals court says financial analyst spouse’s ability to induce clients to follow her when switching employer resembles goodwill in professional practices and represents a divisible community asset; trial court erred when it found analyst’s book of busine ...

See Also

Finby v. Finby

Appeals court says financial analyst spouse’s ability to induce clients to follow her when switching employer resembles goodwill in professional practices and represents a divisible community asset; trial court erred when it found analyst’s book of busine ...