Consulting Company’s Lost Profits Speculative When Based on Potential Earnings of an At-Will Employee

Business Valuation Update BVLaw
Legal and Court Case Update
March 1, 2006
7373 Computer Integrated Systems Design
541519 Other Computer Related Services
lost profits, breach of contract, reasonable certainty

Blase Industries Corporation v. Anorad Corporation
No. 04-21015 (5th Cir. 2006)
Federal Court
5th Circuit
United States Court of Appeals


The U.S. Court of Appeals for the 5th Circuit determined that lost profits could not be recovered for breach of a no-hire provision in a consulting contract when the underlying consultant-employee servicing that contract was an at-will employee.

See Also

Blase Industries Corporation v. Anorad Corporation

The U.S. Court of Appeals for the 5th Circuit determined that lost profits could not be recovered for breach of a no-hire provision in a consulting contract when the underlying consultant-employee servicing that contract was an at-will employee.