Conservative Tax Affecting and Discounting Support Damages Claims

Business Valuation UpdateVol. 15 No. 7
Legal and Court Case Update
July 2009
7372 Prepackaged Software
511210 Software Publishers

Knott v. Revolution Software, Inc.
2009 WL 684649(Ohio App. 5 Dist.)
March 16, 2009
State Court
Court of Appeals
Barry H Wolinetz, David C Levine, Richard T Robol
Gary Moll (plaintiff); Michael Nesser (defendant)


Court finds conservative use of discounts and tax affecting to be more credible when valuing an S corp software company for purposes of calculating damages (breach of agreement to purchase 25% interest).

See Also

Knott v. Revolution Software, Inc.

Court finds conservative use of discounts and tax affecting to be more credible when valuing an S corp software company for purposes of calculating damages (breach of agreement to purchase 25% interest).