Can You Take it With You? State Supreme Court

Business Valuation UpdateVol. 14 No. 4
Legal and Court Case Update
April 2008
6733 Trusts, Except Educational, Religious, and Charitable
estate and gift taxation

In the Matter of the Estate of Norman B. Hjersted (II)
2008 WL 269013 (Kansas)
February 1, 2008
State Court
Supreme Court
Byron E. Springer, Cheryl L. Trenholm, Michael R. Ong, Michelle M. Burge, Terrence J. Campbell, William N. Fleming
John Korschot (son); Timothy Meinhart (wife)
Not specified


Kansas Supreme Court revisits Family Limited Partnership discounts case, and offers "contours of guidance."

See Also

In the Matter of the Estate of Norman B. Hjersted (II)

Kansas Supreme Court revisits Family Limited Partnership discounts case, and offers "contours of guidance."