Snider v. Snider

Full Text of Court Cases
January 16, 2001
0279 Animal Specialities, NEC
112910 Apiculture
marital dissolution/divorce

Snider v. Snider
2002 Va. App. LEXIS 19
State Court
Court of Appeals
Edward Strange
Fitzpatrick, Frank, Coleman


At issue is the admittance of expert testimony and the valuation of the marital home.

See Also

Lay Business Valuation Testimony Requires Personal Knowledge and Involvement

In this marital dissolution appeal, the husband contested the equitable distribution award. The trial court accepted the wife's testimony valuing the family honey production business and awa ...

Valuation Based on Uninvolved Spouse’s Testimony Reversed

The Virginia Court of Appeals reversed the lower court’s valuation of the parties’ honey business. The valuation was based on testimony from the wife, who also testified that she had no knowledge of the business’ finances or involvement with the business ...