What can the “big boys” teach small firm BV experts about selling their services to prospects. Plenty, we believe, so consider the suggestions offered by an insider with Willamette Management Associates. Hale Chan, the firm’s marketing communications director, says that Willamette encourages their senior people to reach out to current and past clients, identify their business valuation needs and then offer solutions to meet those needs. Chan, who recently spoke to a group of legal and business executives on how to generate media attention, said that BV experts appear to be incorporating more and more media relations into their marketing plans. “Being part of a news story not only gives you tremendous exposure but a lot of instant creditability.”
Chan offers his three top tips for generating media attention: 1) Develop relationships with the media BEFORE you need them. 2) Make sure your pitches or press releases are relevant, timely, and newsworthy to their specific readers. 3) Don’t be a pest. Key is to target the right reporter for your pitches. Don’t bother them to find out if they received your news release or if they plan to run with your story idea. If they are interested, they will get back to you.