The pen is mighty as a career builder in BV

BVWireIssue #204-2
September 18, 2019

practice management and growth
business valuation marketing, valuation practice management

In a recent interview, Nancy Fannon (Marcum LLP) advises that one of the ways to stand out in the business valuation profession is to write, whether it be articles or books. This is one of the ways to build authority, which is a valuation expert’s competitive advantage, points out Rod Burkert (Burkert Valuation Advisors LLC), who conducted the interview. Fannon, who has written several books, chose her subjects based on those areas where there was both opportunity and also a need for information and guidance. Her books include the use of transaction databases, S corp tax affecting, and damages. A question from the audience asked about self-publishing (which is easy today) versus working with an established publisher. Fannon says she “can’t imagine self-publishing” because there are a lot of other things to tackle in addition to the writing that a publisher will handle, such as help with research, editing, indexing, and marketing. Fannon’s latest book is The Comprehensive Guide to Economic Damages, 5th edition, co-written with Jonathan Dunitz, Esq. (Verrill Dana), published by BVR. The interview is part of a new webinar series Burkert hosts titled Practice Development INSIDER that features some of the leading valuation practitioners revealing their time-tested ideas behind building a practice. For more information on the series, go to Burkert’s website.
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