Record prices, low cap rates for skilled nursing/assisted living

BVWireIssue #162-2
March 9, 2016

After a record-setting year across all senior care sectors in 2014, average skilled nursing facility prices soared again to a new record of $85,900 per bed, or 12% higher than in 2014, according to a soon-to-be published study from Irving Levin Associates, The Senior Care Acquisition Report, 21st edition, 2016. In the assisted living market, the average price paid per unit just topped the previous record set in 2014 by less than 1.0%, reaching $189,200 per unit in 2015. Average skilled nursing cap rates dropped to 12.2%, just 10 basis points above their record low, and assisted living cap rates stayed the same as in 2014 at 7.7%.

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