Valuing Timeshares and Unique Provider-Based Arrangements in Healthcare (July 14), with Schaeffer Smith (Horne LLP) and Brooke Pierce (Horne LLP). This is Part 3 of BVR's Special Series presented by the BVR/AHLA Guide to Healthcare Industry Finance and Valuation, fourth edition.
Misuses of IP Over the Internet: Searching for Value (July 21) with Brian Buss (Nevium Intellectual Property Solutions) and Doug Bania (Nevium Intellectual Property Solutions). This is Part 4 of BVR's Special Series presented by The Comprehensive Guide to Economic Damages.
Tax Issues Arising in Valuations (July 26), with Patrice Radogna (Valuation Research Corp.) and Heather Tullar (Valuation Research Corp.).
Valuation of Options and Option-Like Instruments, (July 27), with Oksana Westerbeke (Grant Thornton) and Jared Hannon (Grant Thornton).
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