Using the Empirical Method for Determining DLOMs (April 24), featuring: Bruce Johnson (Munroe, Park & Johnson Inc.). Marketability discounts are fundamentally a market-made concession to compensate an investor for the increased risks associated with a less-marketable and illiquid concern. Learn how to put this simple fact to use in determining a sound and defensible DLOM.
Valuing Assembled Workforce in Physician Practices (April 29), featuring: Timothy Smith (American Appraisal). With fresh research and logical analysis, Smith will sort out the ongoing and recently reignited debate regarding the value of trained workforces in physician practices. Part 4 of BVR’s Online Symposium on Healthcare Valuation.
Valuing Veterinary Practices (May 8), featuring Byron Farquer and David McCormick (both Simmons & Associates). Join the two most experienced and knowledgeable experts on veterinary practice management, operations, and valuation for the most informed and authoritative insights into this common, but challenging, valuation target.