Duff & Phelps is transitioning its Valuation Handbook series from print to an interactive online application starting in February 2018. The new application, the Cost of Capital Navigator, is designed to guide you through the process of estimating cost of equity capital in an efficient manner while reducing errors. It’s like having the cost of capital experts from Duff & Phelps sitting right at your side.
More data, sooner: Because all of the data and information previously featured in the Valuation Handbook series will now be online, you’ll get it up to a full month sooner than you would with the old print version. Plus, quarterly updates will now be provided free of charge. You’ll also be able to produce comprehensive, supporting documentation conveniently through the Cost of Capital Navigator—no more cumbersome, long-form tables to deal with. Since the tool is online, you can use it wherever you are and get support via “help screens.”
At first, the Cost of Capital Navigator will embody the Duff & Phelps Valuation Handbook – U.S. Guide to Cost of Capital; it will include all of the critical data and information originally included in the Duff & Phelps Handbook – U.S. Guide to Cost of Capital: the U.S. cost of capital data inputs (equity risk premia, size premia, industry risk premia, risk premia over the risk-free rate, risk-free rates) from two essential valuation data sets: the CRSP Deciles Size Study and the Risk Premium Report Study. Later in 2018, the new online application will be updated to include additional data and information on: (i) U.S. and international industry data; and (ii) international equity risk premia and country risk premia data from the other three Valuation Handbooks as add-on modules.
Learn more: You can find more details at bvresources.com/products/navigator. Also, in an article for the February issue of Business Valuation Update, Roger Grabowski, part of the Duff & Phelps team that developed the Valuation Handbooks and the new Cost of Capital Navigator, talks about the new online application. You can view the first live public demo during a free webinar on January 18. See you then!