There are some great business valuation events coming up in the fall. First is the CICBV National Conference, September 4-5 in Quebec City, with two keynote addresses, one on the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) with Ian Hague (CICA), and the other titled “Evolution of the BV Profession” with Ian Campbell (Campbell Valuation Partners).
In addition, the ASA, in conjunction with BVR, is offering Divorce: A Hands-On Workshop for BV Practitioners in Atlanta, September 16-17. Organized by Jay Fishman and Bill Morrison, the event will be attended by matrimonial lawyers and BV experts. The following day, Judge David Laro and Mel Abraham are co-chairing the University of San Diego School of Law Business Valuation Conference for tax attorneys and appraisers. And, of course, the largest business valuation event of them all, the biennial ASA/AICPA National Business Valuation Conference, is November 8-10 in Las Vegas. It’s a great season for networking and education (and CPE or CLE credits) in the BV profession.