Only thirty more commenting days left on the Exposure Draft of Proposed Statement on Standards for Valuation Services (SSVS), Valuation of a Business, Business Ownership Interest, Security, or Intangible Asset, authored by the AICPA’s Business Valuation Standards Writing Task Force. In particular, the drafters want input on these four areas: (1) oral valuation reports; (2) Interpretation No. 1 (scope of applicable services); (3) using the work of specialists; and (4) distinction between a valuation engagement and a calculation engagement. “To facilitate the Task Force's consideration of responses, comments should refer to specific paragraphs and include supporting rationale, as well as any alternative wording.” The deadline is December 15, 2006; to read the exposure draft and submit comments, click here.
And to discuss the much-anticipated impact of the new BV Standards, BVR has put together yet another top-notch panel for its January 25, 2007 telephone conference on the topic, featuring Ed Dupke, Jay Fishman, Tom Hilton, and moderator Ron Seigneur. To register, go here.