CFOs ignoring cyber risk despite huge losses

BVWireIssue #241-2
October 12, 2022

valuation methods & approaches
risk analysis, company specific risk

A Kroll report finds that 82% of the executives in its survey said their companies suffered a loss of 5% or more in their valuations following their largest cyber security incident in the previous 18 months. At the same time, 87% of CFOs are either very or extremely confident in their organization’s cyberattack response, the report says. This is at odds with the level of visibility CFOs have into cyber risk issues, given only four out of 10 surveyed have regular briefings with their cyber teams. The report, “Cyber Risk and CFOs: Over-Confidence Is Costly,” is available if you click here.

Extra: A BVR briefing: “Cybersecurity in Business Valuation: Addressing the Impact of Data Breaches on Value,” discusses some emerging ideas and techniques that are helping to pave the way to understand and measure the impact of data security and cyber liability risks on the value of a business better. The briefing includes insights from appraiser Mike Blake (Brady Ware & Co.) and cybersecurity expert Charles Hoff (Data Security University).

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