Call for papers for Valuation 20 in India October 27-29

BVWireIssue #250-3
July 26, 2023

global business valuation
global business valuation education, international business valuation, international valuation standards council (IVSC)

There is a call for researchers, practitioners, policymakers, and industry professionals to contribute their commentaries and research papers on several important themes, including technology, ESG, and more. This is in connection with the V20 (Valuation 20) conference October 27-29 in New Delhi, India, co-hosted by the Assessors and Registered Valuers Foundation (AaRVF) and the International Valuation Standards Council (IVSC). Submissions of abstract papers are due August 18, and, if accepted, the final papers will be due October 1. For details on the call for papers, click here.
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