The FMV Restricted Stock Study™—the premier online database for determining discounts for lack of marketability—has the new addition of the FMV DLOM Calculator™. The FMV DLOM Calculator is available for free to subscribers, and can be used on a single-search basis for non-subscribers.
With the new FMV DLOM Calculator, users can fully implement the FMV Opinions’ methodology to determine a discount for lack of marketability that is driven by the financial characteristics of the user’s subject company, as well as the volatility of the market as of the user’s valuation date – in a drastically reduced amount of time! The results can be exported into Excel, or printed and inserted directly into your valuation report.
On Tuesday November 16, Kyle Vataha (FMV Opinions) will join BVR for the first look of the new FMV DLOM Calculator. Join us for this free, one-hour webinar, in which Vataha will show us how to use the calculator and how it was built. He'll answer your questions along the way. For more information, or to register for this one-hour, one-CPE credit program, click here.