BV and litigation seminar in New Haven, Conn., September 26

BVWireIssue #204-1
September 11, 2019

expert testimony
goodwill, expert testimony, discounts & premiums, management projections, valuation report

There’s a unique opportunity to hear from a veteran valuation expert with many years of experience in court, and BVWire will be there! Appraiser Jim Alerding (Alerding Consulting LLC), who has testified in over 400 cases, will present a full-day seminar, Business Valuation and Litigation. He’ll cover hot topics such as goodwill, forecasts and projections, control premiums and discounts, expert witness tips, the written report, and more—all in the context of litigation. To register, you need to fill out a form, which is available if you click here. The Connecticut chapter of the National Association of Certified Valuators and Analysts (NACVA) sponsors the seminar.
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