Over 770 new private-company transactions have been added to the BIZCOMPS database, bringing the total to almost 14,000. BIZCOMPS focuses on small-company “mom and pop” or sole proprietorship transactions—the majority of transactions are for firms with less than $500,000 in gross revenue.
In terms of the latest data additions, the average selling price for 2017 is $388,000 (excludes inventory). The average annual gross sales for transacted businesses in 2017 are $1.0 million. Companies with annual gross sales greater than $700,000 have a median sale price-to-annual gross sales multiple of 0.33 and median harmonic mean multiple of 0.26 for 2017 transactions. This size firm has a median sale price to seller’s discretionary earnings of 1.96 and a median harmonic mean multiple of 1.85.
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