UK perspectives on OECD’s upcoming transfer pricing harmonisation efforts

BVWire–UKIssue #7-2
October 14, 2019

appraisal standards and regulations
transfer pricing, intangible valuation

‘Some jurisdictions have acted unilaterally, some have made failed attempts, while some have adopted a “wait and see” approach,’ the current issue of Bloomberg BNA’s Transfer Pricing Forum says.

While the handful of big audit firms primarily conduct business valuation for international tax practice, many valuers in the UK, even those without multinational clients, are following the anticipated Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) harmonised global approach to the digitalisation of the economy.

The OECD issues transfer pricing guidelines that are voluntary for member nations. The free 96-page Transfer Pricing Forum document, which can be requested at the link above, has perspectives from practitioners in 23 countries, including the UK, China, Japan, Russia, Italy, India, Germany, France, the U.S, and others.

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