Time to look back at the core professional values required for valuation

BVWire–UKIssue #21-2
December 15, 2020

business valuation accrediting organizations
global business valuation education, RICS

RICS is examining the values required to meet professionalism standards and has released ‘Time to Reinforce Our Core Values,’ an opinion piece by Michael Zuriff, head of regulation, Americas, for the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS). ‘The pandemic and the subsequent economic slowdown place a greater emphasis on the need to trust the work of professionals,’ he says. RICS has opened a consultation on proposed revisions to its Rules of Conduct, which have been in place since 2007. The consultation is available if you click here.

Incidentally, IVSC are in the process of issuing a list of ‘14 values,’ which will be subject to public review after their release early in 2021, after which they may be included as an IVS update. More on that in BVWire—UK later.

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