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CCPro now includes industry debt, unlevered betas

This past Monday, BVR went live with two enhancements to its Cost of Capital Professional (CCPro) platform.

Cost of Capital Professional—Straightforward, Credible, Cost-Effective (FREE WEBINAR)

The Cost of Capital Professional from BVR is a source of cost of capital information that integrates data from multiple credible sources, including the University of Chicago’s Center for Research in Security Prices (CRSP), Professor Aswath Damodaran, Salvidio & Partners, and the U.S. Federal Reserve. The philosophy behind this resource is to provide valuation practitioners with an independent, economical, and transparent platform that empowers users to make professional judgments while avoiding the illusion of precision ...

Global BVU News and Trends August 2023

Business valuation news from a global perspective.

Advanced Topics and Case Studies When Valuing Family Limited Partnerships and LLCs

As professional methodology has advanced and tax court cases have confirmed, employing analytical techniques to value family limited partnerships/LLCs using the income and market approaches allow appraisers to determine an accurate value objectively. Certain types of partnerships may be considered complicated. This webinar will focus on valuing more complex FLPs using case studies. Mr. Johnson will present empirical data that support the use of these objective appraisal methods and share his opinion on current issues ...

Global BV News: New edition of Valuation and Common Sense by Fernandez

The eighth edition of Valuation and Common Sense by Professor Pablo Fernandez (IESE Business School, University of Navarra) is now available—and it’s free if you click here.

Business Combinations and Fair Value for Financial Reporting

Are you confused by business combinations? Join William Kennedy for this engaging session covering GAAP fair value standards and their application in business combinations. Hear a discussion of the nuances of the GAAP fair value standard and history of how it was developed as part of the GAAP-IFRS convergence project. Also learn how the valuation approaches and methods used in fair value assessment differ from valuation approaches used in a fair market value appraisal.

Estate of Michael J. Jackson v. Commissioner

Tax Court mostly sides with estate of late superstar in valuing three contested assets; assets had to be valued separately, based on parties’ stipulations, and at death; court says Jackson’s “tattered” image and likeness meant he earned little money apart from his music; court rejects tax affecting.

Tax Court Hands Jackson Estate Major Win but Finds Reasoning for Tax Affecting Unpersuasive

Tax Court mostly sides with estate of late superstar in valuing three contested assets; assets had to be valued separately, based on parties’ stipulations, and at death; court says Jackson’s “tattered” image and likeness meant he earned little money apart from his music; court rejects tax affecting.

Power Panel: Live Expert Answers for Today's Tough BV Questions

What is going on next in BV? While we don’t have a crystal ball, we do have the next best thing. Thought leaders Jay Fishman, Neil Beaton, Ray Rath, and Stacy Collins on hand to answer your questions on what is changing, trends within the profession, and thought processes behind tackling tough problems. What’s more, if you send in a video of yourself asking the question, you will get free admission to the session. Use ...

Valuing Enterprise Cash Flows

The integrated theory of business valuation provides a conceptual framework for disciplined analysis of valuation questions. Too often, valuation analysts are tempted to view individual components of a valuation assignment on a piecemeal basis. Adhering to the integrated theory helps valuation analysts develop base valuation conclusions, discounts, and premiums that are rooted in a shared perspective of the subject company and the subject ownership interest. In Part 1 of the series, Chris Mercer and Travis ...

In a crunch, court adopts company’s DCF model as fair value indicator

In a statutory appraisal action prompted by the 2016 buyout of minority shareholders by the controller of a private company, the Delaware Court of Chancery recently found there was no meaningful market-based evidence of fair value and neither expert opinion, based on standard valuation methods, was “wholly reliable.”

Valuation of Inventory: Taking Stock of the Guidance

Given divergences in both practice and guidance, inventory valuation can seem challenging. In this webinar, Anthony Pumphrey will illustrate simple, straightforward modifications to the valuation of inventory that you can incorporate into your valuation process. Review what comprises the book value of inventory and valuation guidance from the FASB, the IRS, and the AICPA. Next, walk through an example valuation of raw materials, work-in-progress, and finished goods in accordance with this guidance. The example provided ...

Kruse v. Synapse Wireless, Inc.

In appraisal action arising out of controller’s buyout of minority stockholders, court finds there is no reliable market evidence as to target’s fair value on merger date; none of expert valuations are “wholly reliable,” but one expert’s DCF analysis offers a “proportionately reliable conclusion.”

Lacking Any Wholly Reliable Indicators of Fair Value, Court Adopts Respondent's DCF Model

In appraisal action arising out of controller's buyout of minority stockholders, court finds there is no reliable market evidence as to target's fair value on merger date; none of expert valuations are "wholly reliable," but one expert's DCF analysis offers a "proportionately reliable conclusion."

Flynn v. Maschmeyer

In buyout following member’s disassociation from company, appellate court affirms trial court’s fair value determination, including decision to exclude from valuation remaining members’ unsubstantiated debt claims and including litigation amount assessed against dissociated member for misconduct.

Court Rejects FMV Appraisal of Dissociated Member’s Interest in Statutory Buyout

In buyout following member’s disassociation from company, appellate court affirms trial court’s fair value determination, including decision to exclude from valuation remaining members’ unsubstantiated debt claims and including litigation amount assessed against dissociated member for misconduct.

BVU News and Trends March 2020

A monthly roundup of key developments of interest to business valuation experts.

Recent Cases from the Delaware Chancery: What Appraisers Need to Know Now

Join Bill Kennedy for a summary of key valuation issues ruled on by the Delaware Chancery and Delaware Supreme Court. Get coverage of recent cases and discover trends seen in the courts. Learn how the courts have treated the different valuation methods in recent cases, as well as factors to consider when applying the methods. No matter where you practice, the takeaways from this session will help valuation professionals deliver a quality, litigation-ready report.

Valuation underpinning contested stock sale reflects fair value, Court of Chancery says

In a breach of fiduciary duty action arising out of a controversial stock sale, the Delaware Court of Chancery dismissed the plaintiff’s attacks on the underlying valuation, noting the appraiser was “exceptionally knowledgeable about the industry” and held “informed beliefs” as to the company’s specific structure.

Delaware Court of Chancery says no to expert’s novel approach to beta calculation

In an appraisal proceeding in which the Delaware Court of Chancery favored the discounted cash flow analysis as the means with which to determine fair value, the court had sharp words for the company expert’s decision to introduce a new way for calculating equity beta.

Untested beta calculation KOs expert’s credibility and fair value conclusion

In a statutory appraisal case with several twists, the Delaware Court of Chancery recently agreed with the parties’ experts that a discounted cash flow analysis was the only way to determine fair value while rejecting, unequivocally, the company expert’s novel approach to calculating beta.

Manichaean Capital, LLC v. SourceHOV Holdings, Inc.

In appraisal proceeding, Court of Chancery adopts petitioner expert’s DCF-based model for calculating fair value, making slight adjustment to expert’s size premium; on beta calculation, court finds respondent expert’s novel approach “does not survive judicial scrutiny” and raises Daubert issues.

Novel Beta Method Occasions Rebuke From Court of Chancery in Appraisal Case

In appraisal proceeding, Court of Chancery adopts petitioner expert’s DCF-based model for calculating fair value, making slight adjustment to expert’s size premium; on beta calculation, court finds respondent expert’s novel approach “does not survive judicial scrutiny” and raises Daubert issues.

Business Valuation OIV Journal Fall 2019

Business Valuation OIV Journal has been created by Organismo Italiano di Valutazione (OIV), the Italian Valuation Standard Setter, to provide a forum for discussion and to foster cultural progress in the field of business valuation. In this issue, articles include "Roundtable: 10 Big Issues in Business Valuation"; "The Limits of Accounting Rates of Return and the Calibration Trap in Applying Accounting-Based Models in Modern Business Valuation Practice"; and "Connecting Economic Value to Company Strategy: Critical Issues and New Perspectives."

Coster v. UIP Companies, Inc.

In breach of fiduciary duty action, court says stock sale passes enhanced fairness review; appraiser valuing real estate investment services company before sale is eminently qualified and knowledgeable about industry; capitalized cash flow method “generated a reliable indicator” of company’s value.

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