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BVU News and Trends January 2020

A monthly roundup of key developments of interest to business valuation experts.

Manichaean Capital, LLC v. SourceHOV Holdings, Inc.

In appraisal proceeding, Court of Chancery adopts petitioner expert’s DCF-based model for calculating fair value, making slight adjustment to expert’s size premium; on beta calculation, court finds respondent expert’s novel approach “does not survive judicial scrutiny” and raises Daubert issues.

Novel Beta Method Occasions Rebuke From Court of Chancery in Appraisal Case

In appraisal proceeding, Court of Chancery adopts petitioner expert’s DCF-based model for calculating fair value, making slight adjustment to expert’s size premium; on beta calculation, court finds respondent expert’s novel approach “does not survive judicial scrutiny” and raises Daubert issues.

Discover the magical functions of Excel for BV

Spreadsheets can be a valuation analyst’s best friend, or a worst enemy, according to Shawn Hyde (Canyon Valuations), a valuation practitioner and Excel enthusiast.

Smarter Spreadsheets: Improving the Efficiency and Accuracy of a Valuation in Excel

This Isn’t Your Father’s Microsoft Excel. Spreadsheets are a very useful tool for completing any analysis, not just for business appraisal, but for all kinds of projects. Unfortunately, many users never realize just how powerful Microsoft Excel actually is. Valuation expert and Excel enthusiast Shawn Hyde is here to share all of the functions and tools that have been added over the years that have really make an impact on valuation’s most utilized software. Experience ...

Lost profits claims fail to meet New York’s strict standard

Establishing lost profits under New York law can be difficult.

Spend more time on the numerator, expert panel advises

Attendees at a recent online workshop were urged to spend more time on the numerator (forecasts) of the valuation equation rather than the denominator (cost of capital).

Reasonable Certainty for New Business Lost Profit Calculations

New-business lost profit calculations have been a heavily contested topic. Many courts and practitioners rely on historical approaches using historical data of the company itself or a “comparable” company. Join Josh Shilts for a discussion of recent case law and various approaches and learn techniques to validate your lost profit projection. Take these skills and make your report and testimony more defensible.

A simple look at betas—and other inputs to the income approach

When estimating a company’s cost of equity, we all know investors adjust for varying levels of risk.

IceMOS Tech. Corp. v. Omron Corp.

In contract dispute, court says claims for lost profits and lost business value fail because, for both, plaintiff is unable to determine damages with reasonable certainty; relying solely on projections of future performance, without any proof of profit, is not enough under New York law.

Plaintiff’s Projections Fail to Meet New York Test for Lost Profits or Lost Business Value

A breach of contract case in which the plaintiff asked for various types of economic damages is noteworthy for the court s extended discussion of what the plaintiff must show under New York law to make a case for lost profits. The court explained that the hurdle was particularly high for a new business or a business trying to break into a new market considering the company s lack of a financial track record. Damages must be ...

Fairness Opinions and Projections

Join the expert panel of Craig Jacobson, Richard Peil of GlassRatner, and Jeff Rothschild for this advanced instruction on fairness opinions in 2019. Learn both legal and financial aspects of fairness opinions, with a special focus on the role of projections used in the underlying valuation analysis, with special insight on the interaction between management and the opinion provider. The legal environment for fairness opinions, including descriptions of best practices, will also be considered.

BV and litigation seminar in New Haven, Conn., September 26

There’s a unique opportunity to hear from a veteran valuation expert with many years of experience in court, and BVWire will be there! Appraiser Jim Alerding (Alerding Consulting LLC), who has testified in over 400 cases, will present a full-day seminar, Business Valuation and Litigation.

BVU News and Trends August 2019

monthly roundup of key developments of interest to business valuation experts.

BVU News and Trends September 2019

A monthly roundup of key developments of interest to business valuation experts.

Front-Burner Issues Presented at This Year’s NYSSCPA BV Conference

Inputs into the cost of capital, cryptocurrency, and financial projections are just a few of the important topics discussed at the annual business valuation conference of the New York State Society of CPAs (NYSSCPA) in New York City. BVU attends this event every year, and here are a few takeaways from the sessions.

Free download of an improvement to the Gordon growth model

One of the benefits of attending BV conferences in person is that you can also pick up some interesting things outside the formal sessions, such as during networking events, in the exhibit hall, or in the local watering hole after a long day.

DOL sticks to its tough ESOP litigation strategy

Despite criticism from the ESOP community, the Department of Labor is not abandoning its litigation-prone approach toward ESOPs, as a recently filed lawsuit makes clear.

Hot-button issues presented at NYSSCPA BV conference

Cryptocurrency, financial projections, and inputs into the cost of capital were just a few of the important topics discussed at the annual business valuation conference of the New York State Society of CPAs (NYSSCPA) on May 20 in New York City.

D.C. Circuit Upholds Remainder-Interest Valuation in Weird Charitable Contribution Case

In charitable contribution case involving remainder interest, D.C. Circuit upholds Tax Court’s value-related findings, including that petitioner did not provide qualified appraisal and did not meet substantiation requirements; valuation here is to be based on FMV, not actuarial tables.

Blau v. Commissioner (RERI II)

In charitable contribution case involving remainder interest, D.C. Circuit upholds Tax Court’s value-related findings, including that petitioner did not provide qualified appraisal and did not meet substantiation requirements; valuation here is to be based on FMV, not actuarial tables.

Smith v. Promontory Financial Group, LLC

In buyout dispute, court says parties’ letter of intent states buyout conditions; court relies on amount stated in plaintiff’s debt/equity deal proposal to value subject company, finding parties’ trial experts used methods (DCF and asset accumulation) not suited to valuing subject company.

Delaware Chancery Relies on Deal Proposal Valuation in Adjudicating Buyout Dispute

In buyout dispute, court says parties’ letter of intent states buyout conditions; court relies on amount stated in plaintiff’s debt/equity deal proposal to value subject company, finding parties’ trial experts used methods (DCF and asset accumulation) not suited to valuing subject company.

Verition Partners Master Fund Ltd. v. Aruba Networks, Inc. (Aruba III)

Delaware Supreme Court overturns Court of Chancery’s fair value determination based on unaffected market price and awards petitioners deal price minus synergies as determined by company; trial court’s analysis rested on “inapt” agency-costs theory and raised due process and fairness concerns.

Delaware Supreme Court Reproves Chancery’s Use of Unaffected Market Price in Aruba

Delaware Supreme Court overturns Court of Chancery’s fair value determination based on unaffected market price and awards petitioners deal price minus synergies as determined by company; trial court’s analysis rested on “inapt” agency-costs theory and raised due process and fairness concerns.

151 - 175 of 353 results