Packwood predicts that Clinton's proposal to eliminate FLP discounts from NAV will pass
Shannon Pratt: Senator, I know from conversations in earlier years that you have a great depth of interest and knowledge regarding the U.S. tax system. Do you still keep up with current tax issues?
Family Limited Partnerships: Let's get ready to rumble!
The surge in popularity of family limited partnerships ("FLPs") over the past two years has provided both problems and opportunities for the valuation analyst. Due to the significant impact that these ...
Valuation of Undivided Interest in Real Property
Seaman, Ronald M . " Valuation of Undivided Interests in Real Property. " Business Valuation Review . March 1997, pp. 32-40. Seaman starts with an important point: "[I]t is generally necessary to ha ...
Study of Discounts for Limited Partnership Units Traded in a Second Market
Johnson, Bruce A. and James R. Park, "Study of Discounts for Limited Partnership Units Traded in a Second Market, Business Valuation Review , September, 1995, pp 99-101. The authors compiled the ...
Limited partnership unit sales show large discounts from net asset value
This article focuses primarily on discounts for limited partnership interests, and also mentions discounts from net asset value (NAV) for companies in corporate form, detailing a few of the authors' own experiences in reaching settlements with the IRS.
In re the Marriage of Belt
Issue was the valuation of husband's 9 percent interest in the family farm corporation that was subject to a corporate right of first refusal on sale.