Lund v. Lund (I)
In a forced buyout, court says experts were too partisan to their clients, compromising value analysis; court performs its own valuation using DCF to determine fair value of grocery business and rejects DLOM because no unfair transfer of wealth occurs.
New Jersey Court Finds Defendant’s Actions Justify DLOM in Forced Buyout
In New Jersey fair value determination, following precedent, court finds defendant’s conduct justifies use of a marketability discount because he was oppressing shareholder who created “extraordinary circumstances” necessitating forced buyout; court rejec ...
Schewe v. Schewe Farms
Appellate court affirms fair value determination of distributional interest in family farm based on multiprong valuation; company is not a holding company, and net asset valuation alone fails to capture fair value of dissociating members’ interest.
NAV Alone Fails to Capture Distributional Interest’s Fair Value
Appellate court affirms fair value determination of distributional interest in family farm based on multiprong valuation; company is not a holding company, and net asset valuation alone fails to capture fair value of dissociating members’ interest.
New Jersey Court Finds Defendant’s Actions Justify DLOM in Forced Buyout
In New Jersey fair value determination, following precedent, court finds defendant’s conduct justifies use of a marketability discount because he was oppressing shareholder who created “extraordinary circumstances” necessitating forced buyout; court rejec ...
Parker v. Parker
In New Jersey fair value determination, following precedent, court finds defendant’s conduct justifies use of a marketability discount because he was oppressing shareholder who created “extraordinary circumstances” necessitating forced buyout; court rejec ...
Tax Court revaluation means big-time savings for taxpayer
In an estate tax dispute that has lasted for over five years, the Tax Court recently revalued the decedent’s minority interest in an Oregon family business by order of the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals. The recalculation proved a boon to the taxpayer.
Dodgy Real Estate Valuation Compromises Dependent Business Valuation
Trial court did not err when it enforced shareholder agreement lacking purchase price and based buyout price on defense expert testimony; opposing expert committed “severe flaws in his methodology and the valuations based upon them,” appeals court says.
Estate of Giustina v. Commissioner (Giustina III)
On remand Tax Court recalculates decedent’s minority LP interest in family partnership by relying entirely on DCF value and giving no weight to value of company’s timberland assets; newly calculated value is half the original value.
In re Discontinuance & Disposition of P.K. Smith Motors, Inc.
Trial court did not err when it enforced shareholder agreement lacking purchase price and based buyout price on defense expert testimony; opposing expert committed “severe flaws in his methodology and the valuations based upon them,” appeals court says.
Tennessee Appeals Court Straddles Goodwill Issue in Divorce
Appeals court finds enterprise goodwill is not a marital asset when the business is a sole proprietorship and orders trial court to produce a valuation of husband’s solo dental practice without “consideration of professional or enterprise goodwill.”
Lunn v. Lunn
Appeals court finds enterprise goodwill is not a marital asset when the business is a sole proprietorship and orders trial court to produce a valuation of husband’s solo dental practice without “consideration of professional or enterprise goodwill.”
Use of Asset-Level Deductions Hinges on Business Strategy
State’s high court strikes down district court’s fair value determination, finding reliance on prior law prohibiting use of deductions was misguided where company pursued strategy of selling off real estate and other assets at time of triggering event.
Utah Resources International, Inc. v. Mark Technologies Corp.
State’s high court strikes down district court’s fair value determination, finding reliance on prior law prohibiting use of deductions was misguided where company pursued strategy of selling off real estate and other assets at time of triggering event.
Estate of Giustina v. Commissioner (II)
Ninth Circuit orders Tax Court to recalculate value of decedent’s minority interest in longtime family partnership owning timber assets because Tax Court accorded weight to NAV value based on “imaginary scenarios” that saw some possibility of liquidation.
Industry Characteristics Bolster Reliance on Net Asset Value
In fight over plan confirmation, court finds nature of industry supports debtors’ reliance on net asset value approach to value Chapter 11 dry bulk shipper but not to the exclusion of more traditional methods; however, court rejects use of DCF.
In re Genco Shipping & Trading Ltd.
In fight over plan confirmation, court finds nature of industry supports debtors’ reliance on net asset value approach to value Chapter 11 dry bulk shipper but not to the exclusion of more traditional methods; however, court rejects use of DCF.
Tax Ct. How-to of Valuing Holding Company, Avoiding Accuracy Penalty
Tax Court favors net-asset-value over capitalized-dividend approach for FMV determination of interest in holding company with marketable securities because NAV starts out on “firm ground” with stock prices one can look up whereas income approach relies en ...
Estate of Richmond
Tax Court favors net-asset-value over capitalized-dividend approach for FMV determination of interest in holding company with marketable securities because NAV starts out on “firm ground” with stock prices one can look up whereas income approach relies en ...