Back-solving Unobservable Trademark Royalty Rates—The Case of ITT vs Xylem Group
Intangible assets like trademarks and patents are typically not traded on active markets, and the measurement of their fair values is based on valuation models that use significant unobservable (Level 3) inputs (i.e., guideline royalty rates under the relief-from-royalty method). Although widely accepted, all authors and lecturers emphasize the difficulties when determining guideline royalty rates under this method. Often, royalty rate analyses fail to survive audit, appeal, or other scrutiny. In developing robust Level 3 ...
Trademark values of global underwear brands
Average royalty rates for underwear trademarks are about 3% on revenues, considerably lower than typical royalty rates signed in license agreements.
Trademark value snapshot of restaurant brands
Analysis of trademark valuation data for restaurant brands reveals that value multiples depend on the price positioning of a particular brand. Full service, sit-down restaurants generate a higher brand value premium than fast food restaurants.