Valuing Enterprise Cash Flows
The integrated theory of business valuation provides a conceptual framework for disciplined analysis of valuation questions. Too often, valuation analysts are tempted to view individual components of a valuation assignment on a piecemeal basis. Adhering to the integrated theory helps valuation analysts develop base valuation conclusions, discounts, and premiums that are rooted in a shared perspective of the subject company and the subject ownership interest. In Part 1 of the series, Chris Mercer and Travis ...
GameStop and AMC set the stage to redefine ‘fair’ investment value
BVWire—UK hopes all of our readers are silently enjoying the GameStop and AMC stock price explosion these last two weeks.
Delaware court weighs in on goodwill in sole proprietorships
A recent divorce case out of Delaware is significant for addressing the treatment of goodwill where the business is a sole proprietorship.
A.A. v. B.A.
In valuing owner’s financial advisory business organized as sole proprietorship, court rejects idea that prior case law on goodwill in solely owned business precludes assigning goodwill to business; court says commissions earned during marriage but received post-separation or post-divorce are marital.
Delaware Court Revisits Issue of Goodwill in Sole Proprietorship
In valuing owner’s financial advisory business organized as sole proprietorship, court rejects idea that prior case law on goodwill in solely owned business precludes assigning goodwill to business; court says commissions earned during marriage but received post-separation or post-divorce are marital.
Alternate Valuation Methods in the Era of COVID-19
COVID-19 has substantially affected the financial and economic characteristics of privately held and publicly traded businesses throughout the U.S. In this presentation, the presenters will address the valuation impact of COVID-19 and the potential distortions that can occur when traditional valuation approaches and methods are mechanically applied. In the current environment, it is important for analysts to think “outside-the-box” when performing business valuations with valuation dates occurring during the first and second quarter of 2020.
A Closer Look at BVR’s New Guideline Public Company Comps Tool
BVR is excited to announce the release of its new Guideline Public Company Comps Tool (GPCCT), a state-of-the-art, web-based platform that offers access to complete financial statements, financial ratios, and multiples for comparable companies—and even includes an Excel add-in.
Built for BV: The New Platform for Guideline Public Company Comps
In March, BVR will launch a new guideline public company comps platform with Excel add-in. This new robust tool will help BV professionals maximize their guideline public company method work. Attend this webinar and learn how to streamline your guideline public company comparable searches and results by using this new platform. Using a structure similar to the DealStats platform, users will have the access to a wide range of beneficial features, which will be showcased ...
Wrestling with Guideline Public Market Evidence: What You Need to Know
Turbulence in public markets is wreaking havoc on unprepared appraisers. Thankfully, the Guideline Public Company Method (GPCM) is one of the tools BV experts can use to capture the effect of today’s volatile economy on the value of an appraisal target. G ...
Estate of Hall v. Commissioner
At issue is the value for estate tax purposes of decedent's equity interest in Hallmark Cards, Inc.